AI 융합형 인재양성과 기술확산의 허브
산업 혁신형 AI 융합 특화인재 양성
주요 성과
AI 우수학술대회 논문
AI 우수학술대회 논문
Human motion deblurring using localized body prior
Jonathan Samuel Lumentut, Joshua Santoso and In Kyu Park, Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2020), 2020 DOI
Deep learning-based pupil center detection for fast and accurate eye tracking system
Kang Il Lee, Jung Ho Jeon, Byung Cheol Song, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2020), 2020 DOI
360 Panorama synthesis from a sparse set of images with unknown field of view
Julius Surya Sumantri, In Kyu Park, Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2020), 2020 DOI